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Jessica Oddy, Guest Host

Jessica Oddy, Guest Host Profile Photo

Jessica Oddy has worked for over a decade in the education in emergencies space for organizations including Save the Children, LWF and War Child. She is an Academic Tutor for the University of East London’s preparation course for refugees and asylum seekers and is pursuing a PhD at UEL’s Centre for Migration, Refugee and Belonging. Using mixed digital and participatory action research methods, her research focuses on diverse young people’s educational experiences in emergencies and how colonial legacies influence the types of programs available for youth in displacement situations. In her early work as a secondary school teacher, she taught Global and active citizenship to support young people to become agents of change within their own communities.

In the international development and humanitarian aid sectors, she designs education in emergencies programs with and for children, young people and adults in situations of displacement, conflict and on the move. Jessica is Director and founder of EiE consulting. Education in Emergencies’ (EiE) mission is to support organizations, institutions, and individuals to design and deliver equity and evidence-based programs and research. See more of Jessica Oddy’s work at https://www.jessoddy.com/jessoddy