Resources for PAR & Intersectional Feminisms M-Z
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Maguire, Patricia (1987). Doing participatory research: A feminist approach. Amherst: Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts Press. (click link for free download)
Maguire, Patricia (1996). Proposing a more feminist participatory research: Knowing and being openly embrace. In Korrie De Koning and Marion Martin (Eds.). Participatory research in health: Issues and experiences. pp. 27- 39. London: Zed Books.
Maguire, Patricia (1996). Considering more feminist participatory research: What’s congruency got to do with it? Qualitative Inquiry, 2(1): 106–118.
Maguire, Patricia (2001). Uneven ground: Feminisms and action research. In Peter Reason and Hilary Bradbury (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Action Research: Participative Inquiry and Practice, 2. , pp. 60–70. London: Sage.
Maguire, Patricia (2021, February 24). Room 7 and a feminist participatory action research website. Social Publisher Foundation.
Maguire, Patricia - Feminist-informed Participatory Action Research website
Maguire, Patricia and Britt-Marie Berge (2009). Elbow out, arms linked: Claiming spaces for feminisms and gender equity in educational action research. In Susan Noffke and Bridget Somekh (Eds). The SAGE Handbook of Educational Action Research. pp. 398-431. London: SAGE.
Malorni, Angie, Charles H. Lea III, Katie Richards-Schuster, and Michael S. Spencer. (2022). Facilitating youth participatory action research (YPAR): A scoping review of relational practice in US Youth development & out-of-school time projects." Children and Youth Services Review 136 (2022): 106399.
Martin, Marion (1994). Developing a feminist participatory research framework: Evaluating the process' In Beth Humphries and Carole Truman (Eds). Re-thinking social research. pp. Routlege.
Martin, Marion (1996). Issues of power in the participatory research process. In Korrie De Koning and Marion Martin (Eds). Participatory research in health: Issues and experiences. pp. 82-93 London: Zed Books.
Martinez-Vargas, Carmen (2022, February 14). Introducting “Democratising Participatory Research: Pathways to Social Justice from the South”. Social Publishers Foundation.
Mbilinyi, Marjorie (1982). My experience as woman, activist, and researcher in a project with peasant women. In Maria Mies (Ed.). Fighting on two fronts: women’s struggles and research. pp. 30-45. The Hague: Institute of Social Studies.
Mbilinyi, Marjorie (1982). The unity of ‘struggles and ‘research’: The case of peasant women in West Bagamoyo, Tanzania. In Maria Mies (Ed.). Fighting on two fronts: women’s struggles and research. pp. 102-142. The Hague: Institute of Social Studies.
Mbilinyi, Marjorie (2011). Gender struggles at the University of Dar es Salaam: A Personal herstory. Tanzania Journal of Development Studies, Vol 11, No 1-2.
Mbilinyi, Marjorie (2015). Transformative feminism in Tanzania: Animation and grassroots women’s struggles for land and livelihoods. In Rawwida Baksh and Wendy Harcourt (Eds.). Handbook of Transnational Feminist Movements: Knowledge, Power and Social Change. pp. 507 – 527. New York: Oxford University Press.
Mbilinyi, Marjorie and Gloria Shechambo (2015). Experiences in Transformative Feminist Movement Building at the Grassroots Level in Tanzania. In Akosua Adomako Ampofo, Cheryl R Rodriguez & Dzodzi Tsikata (Eds.). Transatlantic Feminisms: Women and Gender Studies in Africa and the African Diaspora. Lexington.
Mbilinyi, Marjorie. (2016). Analysing the history of agrarian struggles in Tanzania from a feminist perspective." Review of African Political Economy 43, no. sup1: 115-129.
Mcdiarmid, Tracy, Alejandra Pineda, Amanda Scothern (2021). We are women! We are ready! Amplifying women’s voices through feminist participatory action research. Evaluation Journal of Australasia. 21(2): 85-100. doi:10.1177/1035719X21998479
McHugh, Tara-Leigh F., and Kent C. Kowalski. (2011). ‘A new view of body image’: A school-based participatory action research project with young Aboriginal women. Action research 9, no. 3: 220-241.
McIntyre, Alice (1995). Making meaning of whiteness: Participatory action research with white female student teachers. Boston College.
McIntyre, Alice and M. Brinton Lykes (1998). Who’s the boss? Confronting whiteness and power differences within a feminist mentoring relationship in participatory action research. Feminism & Psychology, 8(4): 427–444.
McIntyre, Alice. (2000). Inner-city Kids: adolescents confront life and violence in an urban community. New York: New York University Press.
McIntyre, Alice (2003). Through the eyes of women: Photovoice and participatory research as tools for reimagining place. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 10(1): 47–66.
McIntyre, Alice. and M. Brinton Lykes, (2004). Weaving words and pictures in/through feminist participatory action research. In Mary Brydon-Miller, Patricia Maguire, and Alice McIntyre (Eds.), Traveling Companions: Feminism, Teaching, and Action Research. pp. 57–77. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
McIntyre, Alice (2004). Women in Belfast: How violence shapes identity. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
McIntyre, Alice, Nikolaos Chatzopoulos, Anastasia Politi, and Julieta Roz. (2007) Participatory action research: Collective reflections on gender, culture, and language." Teaching and Teacher Education 23, no. 5: 748-756.
McIntyre, Alice. (2013) The Value of “Silence” in the lives of post incarcerated women. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 52, no. 1: 1-15.
Mies, Maria. (1978). Methodische Postulate zur Frauenforschung: Dargestellt am Beispiel der Gewalt gegen Frauen. na
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Mies, Maria (1984). Frauenforschung oder feministische Forschung?: die Debatte um feministische Wissenschaft und Methodologie. Women's Studies or Feminist Research?: The Debate on Feminist Science and Methodology\=.
Mies, Maria (1988). Towards a methodology of feminist research. In Gloria Bowles and Renate Klein (Eds.). Theories of Women's Studies. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Mies, Maria (1996). Liberating women, liberating knowledge: Reflections on two decades of feminist action research. Atlantis, 21(1), p.10-24.
Mies, Maria, Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen, and Claudia von Werlhof (1988). Women - the Last Colony. London: Zed Books.
Miled, Neila. (2020) Can the displaced speak? Muslim refugee girls negotiating identity, home and belonging through Photovoice." In Women's studies international forum, vol. 81, p. 102381. Pergamon.
Mingorria, Sara, Rosa Binimelis, Iliana Monterroso, and Federica Ravera. (2023) The Ups and Downs of Feminist Activist Research: Positional Reflections." In The Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Ecology: A Companion in Honour of Joan Martinez-Alier, pp. 293-304. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Miranda, Daniela E., Manuel Garcia-Ramirez, Fabricio E. Balcazar, and Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar. (2019) A community-based participatory action research for Roma health justice in a deprived district in Spain. International journal of environmental research and public health 16, no. 19: 3722.
Miranda, Luciana Lobo, Michelle Fine, and María Elena Torre (2020). Possible connections between intervention research (IR-Brazil) and critical participatory action research (CPAR-USA). Trends in Psychology 28 (1): 133-147.
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade (1988). Under Western eyes: Feminist scholarship and colonial discourses. Feminist Review, 30: 60-88.
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade (2003). Feminism without borders: Decolonizing theory, practicing solidarity. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade, and Linda Carty (Eds). (2018). Feminist freedom warriors: Genealogies, justice, politics, and hope. Haymarket Books.
Morris, Marika. (2016) Inuit involvement in developing a participatory action research project on youth, violence prevention, and health promotion." études/inuit/studies 40, no. 1: 105-125.
Muhammad, Michael, Nina Wallerstein, Andrew L.). Sussman, Magdalena Avila, Lorenda Belone, and Bonnie Duran (2015). Reflections on researcher identity and power: The impact of positionality on community based participatory research (CBPR) processes and outcomes." Critical sociology 41, no. 7-8 : 1045-1063.
Niittymäki, Hanna (2013). Peacemaker Rauni Räsänen - Shockingly gentle. RAUHANTEKIJÄ RAUNI RÄSÄNEN: RAVISTELEVAN LEMPEÄ KASVATTAJA
Najmah, Sari, Sharyn Andajani , and Graham Davies. SICPH 2019. From drawings to puppet shows: Creating a collective space for HIV-Positive women: learning from feminist participatory action research. Conference: 2nd Sriwijaya International Conference of Public Health
Napier-Moore, Rebecca. (2015). Revisiting feminist participatory action research: Because “A woman's life Is richer than her trafficking experience”. In Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered, pp. 231-248. Routledge.
Napier-Moore, Rebecca, and Wardarina, Trimita Chakma, Haley Pedersen (Editors) and FPAR partner authors (2018) Changing Development From the Inside- Out. Regional Feminist Participatory Action Research Report APWLD Breaking out of Marginalisation Programme 2015-2017.
Noddings, Nel. (1987) Do we really want to produce good people? Journal of moral education 16 (3): 177-188.
Noddings, Nel. (1988) An ethic of caring and its implications for instructional arrangements. American journal of education 96 (2): 215-230.
Noffke, Susan E. (1991). Hearing the "teacher's voice": Now what? Curriculum Perspectives, 11 (4), 55-59.
Noffke, Susan E. (1997). Personal, professional, and political dimensions of action research. In Michael Apple (Ed.) Review of Research in Education, 22, 305-343.
Noffke, Susan and Marie Brennan (2004). Doormats and feminists: Who is the "community" in action research? In Mary Brydon-Miller, Patricia Maguire, and Alice McIntyre (Eds.), Traveling Companions: Feminism, teaching, and action research. pp. 97-114 . Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Noffke, Susan E., and Marie Brennan. (2005). Reconstructing the politics of action in action research. International action research, pp. 75-81. Routledge.
Norwood, Carolette, Farrah Jacquez, Thembi Carr, Stef Murawsky, Key Beck, and Amy Tuttle. (2022) Reproductive Justice, Public Black Feminism in Practice: A Reflection on Community-Based Participatory Research in Cincinnati. Societies 12, no. 1: 17.
Nyemba, Florence, and Minna Mayer (2018). Exploring the roots of participatory action research: An interview with Dr. Marja-Liisa Swantz. Action Research, 16(3): 319–338.
Nypaver, Cynthia F., and Donna Shambley-Ebron. (2016). Using community-based participatory research to investigate meaningful prenatal care among African American women. Journal of Transcultural Nursing 27, no. 6: 558-566.
O'Neill, Maggie, and Tracey Reynolds. (2017). Walking as a participatory, performative and mobile method. National Centre for Research Methods online learning resource. Available at [accessed: 29 May 2023]
O’Neill, Maggie. (2018). Walking, well-being and community: Racialized mothers building cultural citizenship using participatory arts and participatory action research." Ethnic and Racial Studies 41, no. 1: 73-97.
O’Neill, Maggie. (2011). Participatory methods and critical models: Arts, migration and diaspora. Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture 2, no. 1: 13-37.
O’Neill, Maggie (2010). Cultural criminology and sex work: Resisting regulation through radical democracy and participatory action research (PAR).” Journal of Law and Society 37, no. 1: 210– 32.
O’Neill, Maggie. (1996). Prostitution and violence: Toward a feminist praxis. In Women, Violence and Male Power, ed. Marianne Hester, Liz Kelly, and Jill Radford, 130– 156. Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press.O'Neil, Peggy, Roula Kteily-Hawa, and Marlene Janzen Le Ber. (2022). Social portraiture: Decolonizing ways of knowing in education through arts-based participatory action research. The Canadian Journal of Action Research 22, no. 3: 32-44.
Oppenhaim-Shachar, Sigal. (2019). "… How am I going to pass this “audition”? Shame and respectability among Ethiopian adolescent girls–dialogue with an invitation to expand occupational aspirations. Gender and Education 31, no. 8: 1077-1092.
Ortiz Escalante, Sara (2019). Planning the everyday/everynight: a feminist participatory action research with women nightshift workers (Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia).
Padilla, Lindsay. (2014). "My gut has to feel it": A participatory action research study of community college educators navigating the emotional terrain of human rights education. Retrieved from
Paganini, Nicole, Keren Ben-Zeev, Khutala Bokolo, Nomonde Buthelezi, Sanelisiwe Nyaba, and Haidee Swanby. (2021). Dialing up critical feminist research as lockdown dialed us down: How a pandemic sparked community food dialogs in Cape Town, South Africa." Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, pp. 448.
Paradis, Emily Katherine (2009). A little room of hope: Feminist participatory action research with" homeless" women. University of Toronto.
Payne, Ashley N. (2023). A Black feminist youth participatory action research photovoice exploration of Black girls and college women. American Journal of Community Psychology 72, no. 1-2: 127-144.
Pech, Alexandria S., Bryant G. Valencia, and Andrea J. Romero. (2020). Reflections from novice youth participatory action researchers: Emphasis on critical gender perspectives. Journal of Community Psychology 48, no. 2: 302-322.
Pérez, Michelle Salazar, Margarita G. Ruiz Guerrero, and Elaine Mora (2016). Black feminist photovoice: Fostering critical awareness of diverse families and communities in early childhood teacher education. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 37(1): 41-60.
Phillips, M. Ann. (1997). Feminist anti-racist participatory action research: Research for social change around women's health in Brazil." Canadian Woman Studies.
Piccoli, Alessandra, Andrea Fleckinger & Angela Chiavassa (2022). The CRETA Project: Embracing a new religious paradigm. An Italian feminist participatory research study in the Light of Modern Matriarchal Studies. Fieldwork in Religion.
Ponic, Pamela, Colleen Reid, and Wendy Frisby. (2010) Cultivating the power of partnerships in feminist participatory action research in women’s health. Nursing inquiry, 17 (4): 324-335.
Ponic, Pamela, and Wendy Frisby. (2010). Unpacking assumptions about inclusion in community-based health promotion: Perspectives of women living in poverty. Qualitative Health Research 20, no. 11: 1519-1531.
Potts, Alina, Elizabeth Hedge, and Aminat Balogun. (2020). Empowered Aid: Participatory action research with refugee women & girls to better prevent sexual exploitation and abuse—Uganda COVID-19 Update. Washington, DC: The George Washington University and Uganda: The International Rescue Committee.
Raider-Roth, Miriam, Mindy M. Gold, Gail Dorph, Mel Berwin, Sarah Clarkson, Ilana Gelemovich, and Merissa Rosetti. (2023). Bringing utopian visioning to educational leadership: participatory action research as professional learning." Educational Action Research: 1-17.
Räsänen, Rauni. (1993). Opettajan etiikkaa etsimässä. Opettajan etiikka -opintojakson kehittelyprosessi
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Räsänen, Rauni. (1994). Action research and reflection. In Criticism in Education. Collection of presentations given at the German-Finnish symposium, 14–15 April 1994, 74–83.
Räsänen, Rauni. (1995). Action research and reflection: Criticism in education. In: Anttonen S. & Pitkänen P. (eds.) Kritizismus in der Pädagogik. Oulun yliopiston Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan opetusmonisteita ja selosteita 61, 74–83.
Räsänen, Rauni and Vappu Sunnari (1997): Challenges for growth within boundaries. Oulun yliopiston kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan tutkimuksia 98.
Räsänen, Rauni. (1998): The present situation and future challenges of multicultural education in Finland. In: Häkkinen, K. (Ed.): Multicultural education. Reflection on theory and practice. University of Jyväskylä. Continuing Education Centre, pp. 32–42.
Räsänen, Rauni. (2000): The global village as a challenge for teacher education. In: Sunnari, V and Räsänen, R., (Eds.): Ethical challenges for teacher education and teaching. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis E 45, pp. 115–130.
Räsänen, Rauni. (2007). Intercultural education as education for global responsibility. In: Kaivola
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Räsänen, Rauni. (2010). Intercultural education and education for global responsibility in teacher education." Finnish Journal of Music Education 13, no. 1: 12-24.Räsänen, Rauni. (2015). International education as an ethical issue. In: Hayden M, Levy J & Thompson J (Eds). The Sage handbook of research in international education. Trowbridge, The Cromwell Press: 57–69.
Reddock, Rhoda. (2006). Peggy Antrobus. Development and Change 37, no. 6: 1365-1377.
Reid, Colleen (2000). Seduction and enlightenment in feminist action research. Resources for Feminist Research, 28 (1/2):169-88.
Reid, Colleen (2004). Advancing women’s social justice agendas: A feminist action research framework. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 3(3): 1-15.
Reid, Colleen and Wendy Frisby (2008). Continuing the journey: Articulating dimensions of feminist participatory action research (FPAR). In Peter Reason and Hilary Bradbury (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Action Research: Participative Inquiry and Practice, 2. pp. 93–105. London: SAGE
Reid, Colleen., Alice Tom, and Wendy Frisby. (2006). Finding the ‘action’ in feminist participatory action research. Action Research, 4(3): 315–332.
Reid, Colleen, Pamela Ponic, Louise Hara, Robin LeDrew, Connie Kaweesi, and Kashmir Besla (2011). Living an ethical agreement: Negotiating confidentiality and harm in feminist participatory action research. Feminist community research: Case studies and methodologies pp.189-209.
Riley, Sarah CE, and Christina Scharff. (2013). Feminism versus femininity? Exploring feminist dilemmas through cooperative inquiry research." Feminism & Psychology 23, no. 2: 207-223.
Rose, Raquel E., Sukhmani Singh, McKenzie N. Berezin, and Shabnam Javdani. (2022). "Roses have thorns for a reason”: The promises and perils of critical youth participatory research with system‐impacted girls of Color. American journal of community psychology.
Rosenberg, Dorothy Goldin (2000). Action for prevention, feminist practices in transformative learning in women's health and the environment, with a focus on breast cancer: A case study of a participatory research circle. Doctoral dissertation. OISE University of Toronto.
Rowley, Michelle, and Peggy Antrobus. (2007). Feminist visions for women in a new era: An interview with Peggy Antrobus. Feminist Studies 33, no. 1: 64-87.
Salgado, Kristian Michelle (2018). Chicana feminist participatory action research: Collaborative environmental justice in the Imperial Valley and the identifying violations affecting neighborhoods community development project. Masters Thesis. Humboldt State University\
Salmon, Amy, Annette J. Browne, and Ann Pederson. (2010). ‘Now we call it research’: participatory health research involving marginalized women who use drugs." Nursing Inquiry 17, no. 4: 336-345.
Sampson, N. R., Price, C. E., Reppond, H. A., DeRoche, M., & Thomas-Brown, K. (2021). Feminist action research in response to food insecurity among college students. Action Research, 19(4), 674-692.
Sánchez, Patricia. (2009). Chicana feminist strategies in a participatory action research project with transnational Latina youth. New Directions for Youth Development 2009, no. 123: 83-97.
Sanford, Kathy, Darlene E. Clover, Nancy Taber, and Sarah Williamson (Eds.) 2020. Feminist critique and the museum: Educating for a critical consciousness. Brill.
Schurr, Carolin, and Dorte Segebart. (2012) Engaging with feminist postcolonial concerns through participatory action research and intersectionality. Geographica Helvetica 67, no. 3: 147-154.
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Seppälä, Tiina, Melanie Sarantou, and Satu Miettinen (eds). (2021). Arts-based methods for decolonising participatory research. Taylor & Francis.
Sewell, Sandra, and Nonie Harris (2016). Exploring women's care for the local environment: a community-based feminist participatory research approach. Community Development Journal 51 (2): 195-211.
Shallow, Helen (2016). "Are you listening to me?: an exploration of the interactions between mothers and midwives when labour begins: a feminist participatory action research study. PhD dissertation, University of the West of Scotland.
Shami, Seteney, Seteney Khalid Shami, and Linda Herrera (Eds). (1999) Between Field and Text: Emerging Voices in Egyptian Social Science. Vol. 22, no. 2. American University in Cairo Press.
Shimei, Nour, and Maya Lavie-Ajayi (2021). Four practices for conducting feminist participatory action research with young women. Action Research: 14767503211036489. doi:10.1177/14767503211036489
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Shukla, Abhay, Renu Khanna, and Nitin Jadhav (2018). Using community-based evidence for decentralized health planning: insights from Maharashra. Health policy and Planning 33:e34-e45.
Silver-Pacuilla, Heidi V., and Associates from the Women in Literacy Project. (2004). The meanings of literacy: a participatory action research project involving women with disabilities. Women's Studies Quarterly, 43-58.
Singh, Anneliese A., Kate Richmond, and Theodore R. Burnes (2013). Feminist participatory action research with transgender communities: Fostering the practice of ethical and empowering research designs. International Journal of Transgenderism,14 (3): 93-104.
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Távara, Gabriela. (2019). Engaging and contesting hegemonic Discourses through feminist participatory action research in Peru: Towards a feminist decolonial praxis. In Floretta Boonzaier and Taryn van Niekerk (Eds.). Decolonial Feminist Community Psychology. Community Psychology. Springer, Cham.
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Torre, Maria Elena (2009). Participatory action research and critical race theory: Fueling spaces for nos-otras to research. The Urban Review 41, no. 1: 106-120.
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Williams, Joan and M. Brinton Lykes (2003). Bridging theory and practice: Using reflective cycles in feminist action research. Feminism and Psychology, 13 )3): pp 287-94.
Wilson, Niamh. (2022). Thinking together: A feminist collaborative inquiry into pedagogical approaches for domestic violence work in Ireland. PhD dissertation. National University of Ireland Maynooth.
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