Resources for PAR & Intersectional Feminisms A-L
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Ackerly, Brooke A., and Jacqui True (2019). Doing feminist research in political and social science. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Adriany, Vina, Hani Yulindrasari, and Raden Safrina (2021). Doing feminist participatory action research for disrupting traditional gender discourses with Indonesian Muslim kindergarten teachers. Action Research : 14767503211044007.
Aguayo-Romero, Rodrigo A. (2021). (Re) centering Black feminism into intersectionality research. American journal of public health 111, no. 1: 101-103.
Aina, Angela D., Ifeyinwa V. Asiodu, Philicia Castillo, Jill Denson, Courtney Drayton, Rose Aka-James, Inas K. Mahdi (2019). Black maternal health research re-envisioned: Best practices for the conduct of research with, for, and by Black mamas. Harv. L. & Pol'y Rev. 14: 393.
Akom, Antwi A.A. (2011.) Black emancipatory action research: integrating a theory of structural racialisation into ethnographic and participatory action research methods. Ethnography and Education 6 (1): 113-131.
Andajani, Sari, and Sharyn Graham Davies (2020). From drawings to puppet shows: Creating a collective space for HIV-Positive women: Learning from feminist-participatory Action Research." In 2nd Sriwijaya International Conference of Public Health (SICPH 2019), pp. 245-255. Atlantis Press.
Angod, Leila. (2023). Doing and undoing gendered racism with racialized girls: A school‐based youth participatory action research study. Children & Society.
Apgar, J. Marina, Will Allen, Joelle Albert, Boru Douthwaite, Rodrigo Paz Ybarnegaray, and Jeston Lunda (2017). Getting beneath the surface in program planning, monitoring and evaluation: Learning from use of participatory action research and theory of change in the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. Action Research 15, no. 1: 15-34.
Antrobus, Peggy (2016). Feminism as Transformational Politics: Towards Possibilities for Another World. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Antrobus, Peggy. (2015). DAWN, the third world feminist network: Upturning hierarchies.
Antrobus, Peggy. (2011) The Global Women’s movement: Origins, Issues and Strategies." Global activism Reader: 163-189.
Antrobus, Peggy. (2002). Feminism as transformational politics: Towards possibilities for another world. Development 45, no. 2: 46-52.
Antrobus, Peggy. (2001). Women and Children's Well-being in the Age of Globalization: A focus on St Vincent and the Grenadines and small island developing states." Development 44, no. 2: 53-57.
Antrobus, Peggy (2000). The Rise and Fall of Feminist Politics in the Caribbean Women's Movement, 1975-1995. Centre for Gender and Development Studies, University of the West Indies.
Antrobus, Peggy. (1995). Women in the Caribbean: The quadruple burden of gender, race, class and imperialism. Connecting across cultures and continents: Black women speak out on identity, race and development: 53-60.
Antrobus, Peggy. (1995). United Nations' Conferences: A Framework for Feminist Research and Action. Caribbean Studies (1995): 21-29.
Antrobus, Peggy. (1987). Feminist issues in development. World education reports 27 (1987): 5-8.
Aparicio, Elizabeth M., Olivia N. Kachingwe, Danielle R. Phillips, Michelle Jasczynski, M. Kaleipumehana Cabral, Faduma Aden, Eshana Parekh, Jason Espero, and Christine Childers. )2021) "Having a baby can wait”: Experiences of a sexual and reproductive health promotion program in the context of homelessness among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and other Pacific Islander youth captured through photovoice. Qualitative health research 31, no. 2: 228-240.
ARENAS, ERICA, JENNIFER CONTRERAS, JIANG NA, I. N. D. R. A. RIOS-MOORE, and Tiffany Threatts. (2004). Speaking back: Voices of young urban womyn of color using participatory action research to challenge and complicate representations of young women." All about the girl: Culture, power, and identity: 231.
Armour-Burton, Teri, and Caroline Etland. (2020). Black feminist thought: a paradigm to examine breast cancer disparities." Nursing Research 69, no. 4: 272-279.
Arthur, Brittany and Guy, Batshiva (2020). ‘No, I’m not the secretary’: Using participatory methods to explore women engineering students’ experiences on co-op. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 21(3): 211–222.
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development. (2020). Feminist Participatory Action Research
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Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development with editors Rebecca Napier-Moore, Wardarina, Trimita Chakma, Haley Pedersen and FPAR partner authors. (2018). Changing Development From the Inside - Out. Regional Feminist Participatory Action Research Report APWLD Breaking out of Marginalisation Programme 2015-2017.
Askins, Kye. (2018). Feminist geographies and participatory action research: co-producing narratives with people and place. Gender, Place & Culture 25, no. 9: 1277-1294.
Ault, Stacey Michelle. (2017). Queens speak-a youth participatory action research project: Exploring critical post traumatic growth among Black girls within the school to prison pipeline. University of San Francisco.
Balogun-Mwangi, Oyenike, Atsushi Matsumoto, Mary Ballou, Lee Faver, and Irina Todorova. (2016). Women's pain, women's voices: Using the feminist ecological model and a participatory action research approach in developing a group curriculum for chronic pain." Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research 11, no. 1
Batliwala, Srilatha. (1994). The meaning of women’s empowerment: New concepts from action. In Gita Sen, A Germain, & LC Chen (Eds). Population policies reconsidered: Health, empowerment and rights. Boston: Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies.
Batliwala, Srilatha. (2003). Bridging divides for social change: Practice-research interactions in South Asia. Organization, 10(3), 595–615.
Batliwala, Srilatha. (2007). Taking the power out of empowerment–an experiential account. Development in practice 17, no. 4-5: 557-565.
Batliwala, Srilatha, and Sheela Patel. (1997). A census as participatory research. Participatory action research : 263-277.
Barazangi, Nimat (2004). Understanding Muslim's women's self-identity and resistance to feminism and participatory action research. In Mary Brydon-Miller, Patricia Maguire, and Alice McIntyre (Eds.) Traveling companions: Feminism, teaching, and action research. pp. 21-40. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Barndt, Deborah (1991). To change this house: Popular education under the Sandinistas. Toronto: Between the Lines and the Jesuit Centre and the Doris Marshall Institute for Education and Action. Spanish edition 1995.
Barndt, Deborah (Ed.) (1999). Women working the NAFTA food chain: Women, food, and globalization. Toronto: Sumach Press.
Barndt, Deborah (2001) On the move for food: Three women behind the tomato's journey. Women's Studies Quarterly 29, no.1-2, pp. 131-143.
Barndt, Deborah (2004). By whom and for whom? Intersections of participatory research and community arts. In A. Cole, L. Neilsen, J.G. Knowles, T. Luciani (Eds.). Provoked by art: Theorizing arts-informed Inquiry. Toronto, OISA: Backalong Books and Centre for Arts-Informed Research.
Barndt, Deborah (2008). Touching minds AND hearts: Community arts as collaborative research. pp. 351-362. In J. Gary Knowles and Ardra L. Cole (Eds.) Handbook of the arts in qualitative research; Perspectives, methodologies, examples, and issues. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Barndt, Deborah (2008). Tangled routes: Women, work, and globalization on the tomato trail. Rowman & Littlefield.
Barndt, Deborah and Laura Reinsborough (2010). Decolonizing art, education and research in the VIVA! Project. In L. Davis (Ed.) Alliances: Re/Envisioning relationships between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Peoples. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Barndt, Deborah (2012) Remapping the Americas: A transnational engagement with creative tensions of community arts. pp 166-191. In Amanda Lock Swarr and Richa Nagar (Eds). Critical transnational feminist praxis. SUNY Press.
Barndt, Deborah (2014). Shooting back: Photo voice in action research. In David Coghlan and Mary Brydon-Miller (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Action Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Beatriz, Elizabeth D., Alisa K. Lincoln, Jess Alder, Nicole Daley, Felicia Simmons, Karibe Ibeh, Crystal Figueroa, and Beth E. Molnar. (2018). Evaluation of a teen dating violence prevention intervention among urban middle-school youth using youth participatory action research: Lessons learned from Start Strong Boston. Journal of Family Violence 33 (2018): 563-578.
Beckman, Linda J. (2014). Training in feminist research methodology: Doing research on the margins. Women & Therapy 37, no. 1-2: 164-177.
Berge, Britt-Marie (2001). Action research for gender equity in a late modern society. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 5 (2/3): 281-92.
Berge, Britt-Marie and H. Ve (2000). Action research for gender equity. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Bhuyan, Rupaleem, Flavia Genovese, Rachel Mehl, and Bethany J. Osborne (2014). Building solidarity through collective consciousness in feminist participatory action research. In Feminisms in Social Work Research, pp. 223-239. Routledge.
Blodgett, Amy T., Robert J. Schinke, Duke Peltier, Leslee A. Fisher, Jack Watson, and Mary Jo Wabano. (2011) May the circle be unbroken: The research recommendations of Aboriginal community members engaged in participatory action research with university academics. Journal of sport and social issues 35, no. 3: 264-283.
Boontinand, Jan (2017). Feminist participatory action research in the Mekong region. In Jan Boontinand (Ed). Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered, pp. 175-196. Routledge.
Botha, Carolina S., and Johnnie Hay. (2016). Narratives of adolescent girls journeying via feminist participatory action research through the aftermath of divorce." Africa Education Review 13, no. 2: 165-180.
Boudin, Kathy; Judith Clark; Michelle Fine; Elizabeth Isaacs; Michelle Daniel Jones; Melissa Mahabir; Kate Mogulescu; Anisah Sabur-Mumin; Patrice Smith; Monica Szlekovics; María Elena Torre; Sharon White-Harrigan; Cheryl Wilkins. (2022). Movement-Based Participatory Inquiry: The Multi-Voiced Story of the Survivors Justice Project. Social Sciences 11, no. 3: 129.
Boulton, Amohia. (2020). Implementing indigenous research ethics at the interface." In Indigenous Research Ethics: Claiming Research Sovereignty Beyond Deficit and the Colonial Legacy, vol. 6, pp. 163-175. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Bowes, Alison M. (1996). Evaluating an empowering research strategy: Reflections on action-research with South Asian Women, Sociological Research Online, vol. 1, no. 1,
Bowleg, Lisa. (2012). The problem with the phrase women and minorities: intersectionality—an important theoretical framework for public health. American journal of public health 102, no. 7: 1267-1273.
Brabeck, Kalina (2004). Testimonio: Bridging feminist and participatory action research principles to create new spaces of collectivity. In Mary Brydon-Miller, Patricia Maguire, and Alice McIntyre (Eds.) Traveling companions: Feminism, teaching, and action research. pp. 41-54. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Brennan, Marie, and Susan E. Noffke (1997) Uses of Data in Action Research. Counterpoints 67: 23–43.
Brennan, Marie & Lew Zipin (2008). Neo-colonization of cultural struggles for justice in Australian Education and Teacher Education . In A. Phelan & J. Sumsion (Eds.), Critical readings in teacher education: Invoking absences. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 99-114.
Brennan, Marie (2009). Steering teachers: Working to control the feminised profession of teaching. Journal of Sociology, 45(4), 339-359.
Brennan, Marie. (2009). A school system takes on Exhibitions through teacher action research. in Susan Noffke and Bridget Somekh (Eds.). The SAGE handbook of Educational Action Research. SAGE Publications, pp. 202-212.
Brennan, Marie (2011). National Curriculum: A political-educational tangle, Australian Journal of Education, 55(3), 259-280.
Brennan, Marie (2017). Struggles for teacher education in the age of the anthropocene. Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal), (69), 43-66.
Brennan, Marie. (2019). Scholarly activism in and for renewed Australian universities. Social Alternatives; v.38 n.3 p.56-62
Brennan, Marie (2019). Changing teaching and teacher education in the ‘Anthropocene’. On Education. Journal for Research and Debate, 2(4). https://doi.17899/on_ed.2019.4.6
Brennan, Marie (2022). Teachers and students as researchers: rebuilding curriculum inquiry for the future. Curriculum Perspectives 42, 85–89.
Brennan, Marie, Eve Mayes & Lew Zipin (2022). The contemporary challenge of activism as curriculum work, Journal of Educational Administration and History, 54:3, 319-333, DOI: 10.1080/00220620.2020.1866508
Brooks, Barbara Ann (2001). Developing women's awareness of violence prevention through feminist participatory research: An education for social change process. National Library of Canada/Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, Ottawa.
Brown, L. David, Gabriele Bammer, Srilatha Batliwala, and Frances Kunreuther. (2003). Framing practice-research engagement for democratizing knowledge. Action Research 1, no. 1: 81-102.
Brown, J.T. (2019). “No research about us without us: The Bronx Community Research Review Board’s Community Engaged Research Academy Evaluation (Unpublished master’s thesis). CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy.
Brown, Pamela Ann (1993). Young mothers' voices: Reflections on abusive relationships, a feminist participatory research. University of San Francisco.
Bryceson, Deborah and Marhorie Mbilinyi, (1980) . The changing role of Tanzanian women in production, in A.O. Anacleti (Ed.), Jipemoyo, Development and Culture Research, Vol. 2. Uppsala: The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. pp. 85–116.
Brydon-Miller, Mary; Patricia Maguire, and Alice McIntyre (Eds.) (2004). Traveling companions: Feminism, teaching, and action research. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Brydon-Miller, Mary, and Anne Inga Hilsen. (2015) Where rivers meet: Exploring the confluence of ecofeminism, covenantal ethics and action research. In In M. Phillips & N. Rumens (Eds.)
Contemporary perspectives on ecofeminism (pp. 95–108). New York, NY: Routledge.
Buchanan, Kate, Elizabeth Newnham, Sadie Geraghty, and Lisa Whitehead. (2022). Navigating midwifery solidarity: A feminist participatory action research framework. Women and Birth.
Bujra, Janet (August 24, 2017). Gender and politics in Africa: An interview with Marjorie Mbilinyi
Bunda, Tracey, Lew Zipin and Marie Brennan (2012) Negotiating university ‘equity’ from Indigenous standpoints: a shaky bridge, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16:9, 941-957, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2010.523907
Bundon, Andrea (2018). Blogging and feminist participatory research online. In Mansfield, L., Caudwell, J., Wheaton, B., Watson, B. (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Feminism and Sport, Leisure and Physical Education. pp. 275-29. 2Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Butcher, Stephanie. (2021). Research solidarity? Navigating feminist ethics in participatory action-research in Kathmandu, Nepal. Gender, Place & Culture 28, no. 4: 497-518.
Butterwick, Shauna, and Jan Selman. (2000) Telling stories and creating participatory audience: Deep listening in a feminist popular theatre project." In TITLE AERC 2000: An International Conference. Proceedings of the Annual Adult Education Research Conference (41st, Vancouver, p. 75.
Cahill, Caitlin. (2019). Theorizing youth participation. Establishing Geographies of Children and Young People. Singapore: Springer Singapore: 1-34.
Cahill, Caitlin, David Alberto Quijada Cerecer, and Matt Bradley. (2010) Dreaming of...: reflections on participatory action research as a feminist praxis of critical hope. Affilia 25, no. 4: 406-416.
Cahill, Caitlin., Erica Arenas, Jennifer Contreras, Jiang Na, I. Rios-Moore, and Tiffany Threatts. (2004). Speaking back: voices of young urban womyn of color. All About the Girl: Power, Culture and Identity New York: Routledge (2004).
Campbell, Rebecca, and Deborah A. Salem. (1999). Concept mapping as a feminist research method: Examining the community response to rape. Psychology of Women Quarterly 23, no. 1: 65-89.
Cannon, Clare, Janae Bonnell, Mariah Padilla, and Debbie Sulca. (2023). Along the energy justice continuum: An examination of energy disposal through the lens of feminist community based participatory action research. Energy Research & Social Science 96: 102948.
Caretta, Martina Angela. (2016). Member checking: A feminist participatory analysis of the use of preliminary results pamphlets in cross-cultural, cross-language research." Qualitative Research 16, no. 3: 305-318.
Caretta, Martina Angela, and Yvonne Riaño (2016). Feminist participatory methodologies in geography: creating spaces of inclusion. Qualitative Research 16 (3): 258-266.
Carmack, Adrienne R. (2018). The impact and radical queer possibility of youth participatory action research.
Castillo-Burguete, María Teresa, Carmen García-Gómez, Pedro Castro-Borges, and Federico Dickinson (2015). "I’m not afraid of him; That dog barks but he don’t bite": PAR processes, gender equity and emancipation with women in Yucatán, Mexico. The SAGE Handbook of Action Research 291.
Cecile, Gail and Lewis Mccabe. (2004). Morphing the crone: An ethnography of crone culture, consciousness and communities, a feminist participatory action research project.
Chakma, Trimita (2016). Feminist participatory action research (FPAR): An effective framework for empowering grassroots women & strengthening feminist movements in Asia Pacific. Asian Journal of Women's Studies 22 (2): 165-173.
Charles, Carolle (1995). Feminist action and research in Haiti. Caribbean studies: 61-75.
Chavez, Katitza Marinkovic, Lisa Gibbs, Mahia Saracostti, Andrea Lafaurie, Rona Campbell, Dominique Sweeney, María Teresa Hernández, María Belén Sotomayor, Florencia Escobar, Rocío López‐Ordosgoitia, Diana Alexandra Giraldo Cadavid, Diana Marcela Aristizábal García, Marcus Wright, Dimitrios Charalampopoulos, Edgardo Miranda, Eva Alisic (2022). Think Big: A multinational collaboration to promote children's role as coresearchers in participatory research. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1–12. Available from:'s_role_as_coresearchers_in_participatory_research#fullTextFileContent
Chesnay, Catherine T. (2016). Through a feminist poststructuralist lens: embodied subjectivites and participatory action research. The Canadian Journal of Action Research 17, no. 3: 57-74.
Chigudu, Hope. (2007). Deepening our understanding of community-based participatory research: lessons from work around reproductive rights in Zimbabwe. Gender & Development 15, no. 2: 259-270.
Clover, Darlene. E. (2006). Out of the dark room: Participatory photography as a critical, imaginative, and public aesthetic practice of transformative education. Journal of Transformative Education, 4(3), 275–290.
Collins, Patricia Hill. (2004). Toward an Afrocentric Feminist Epistemology. In Turning points in qualitative research: Tying knots in a handkerchief. Yvonna S. Lincoln and Norman K. Denzin (Eds). pp. 47-73. AltaMira Press.
Collins Patricia Hill. (2017) The difference that power makes. Intersectionality and participatory democracy. Investigaciones feministas. 8(1):19–39. doi: 10.5209/INFE.54888.V
Collins, Patricia Hill. (2019). Intersectionality as critical social theory. Duke University Press
Collins, Patricia Hill. (2019) The difference that power makes: Intersectionality and participatory democracy. The Palgrave handbook of intersectionality in public policy: 167-192.
Comrie-Thomson, Liz; Mariam Tokhi, Frances Ampt, Anayda Portela, Matthew Chersich, Renu Khanna and Stanley uchters, (2015). Challenging gender inequity through male involvement in maternal and newborn health: critical assessment of an emerging evidence base. Culture, health, and sexuality. Vol 17, sup2, 177-189.
Cook, Amy L., Bernalyn Ruiz, and Justin Karter. (2019) " Liberation is a praxis": Promoting college and career access through youth participatory action research." School Community Journal 29, no. 2: 203-224.
Cook, Judith A., and Mary Margaret Fonow. (1986). Knowledge and women's interests: Issues of epistemology and methodology in feminist sociological research. Sociological inquiry 56, no. 1: 2-29.
Corbett, Andrea M., Karen Francis, and Ysanne Chapman. (2007). Feminist‐informed participatory action research: A methodology of choice for examining critical nursing issues. International journal of nursing practice 13, no. 2: 81-88.
Cornell, Josephine, Linda Mkhize, and Shose Kessi. (2019). Envisioning photovoice as decolonial feminist praxis. In Decolonial feminist community psychology, pp. 59-76. Springer, Cham.
Cornwall, Andrea. (1997). Men, masculinity and 'gender in development'. Gender & Development 5, no. 2: 8-13.
Cornwall, Andrea (2001). Making a Difference? Gender and Participatory Development. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.
Cornwall, Andrea (2003). Whose voices? Whose choices? Reflections on gender and participatory development. World development 31, no. 8 pp. 1325-1342.
Cornwall, Andrea. (2004). Spaces for transformation? Reflections on issues of power and difference in participation in development. Participation: From tyranny to transformation? Exploring new approaches to participation in development pp 75-91.
Cornwall, Andrea, and Ann Whitehead. (2007). Feminisms in development: Contradictions, contestations and challenges. Zed Books.
Cornwall, Andrea, Elizabeth Harrison, and Ann Whitehead. (2007) Gender myths and feminist fables: The struggle for interpretive power in gender and development. Development and Change 38, no. 1: 1-20.
Cornwall, Andrea, Jasmine Gideon, and Kalpana Wilson. (2009). Introduction: Reclaiming feminism: Gender and neoliberalism. IDS bulletin 39, no. 6: 1-9.
Cornwall, Andrea. (2011). The participation reader. Zed Books.
Cornwall, Andrea, and Mamoru Fujita. (2012). Ventriloquising ‘the Poor’? Of voices, choices and the politics of ‘participatory’ knowledge production. Third World Quarterly 33, no. 9: 1751-1765.
Cornwall, Andrea, and Cecilia Sardenberg. (2014). Participatory pathways: Researching women's empowerment in Salvador, Brazil. In Women's Studies International Forum, vol. 45, pp. 72-80. Pergamon.
Cornwall, Andrea, and Althea-Maria Rivas. (2015). From ‘gender equality' and ‘women’s empowerment’ to global justice: Reclaiming a transformative agenda for gender and development. Third World Quarterly 36, no. 2: 396-415.
Cornwall, Andrea. (2016). Women's empowerment: What works?" Journal of International Development 28, no. 3: 342-359.
Cornwall, Andrea, and Nancy Lindisfarne. (2016). Dislocating masculinity: gender, power and anthropology. In Dislocating masculinity, pp. 27-61. Routledge.
Cornwall, Andrea, and Tessa Lewin. (n.d) Empowering communication: The use of creative, visual and digital methods in activist research on women’s empowerment.
Cornwall, Andrea and Ian Scoones (2022). Revolutionising Development: Reflections on the Work of Robert Chambers. Routledge, Open Access
Crabtree, Sara Ashencaen, Ann Hemingway, Sue Sudbury, Anne Quinne, Maggie Hutchings, Luciana Esteves, Shelley Thompson, Helen Jacey, Anita Diaz, Peri Bradley, Jenny Hall, Michele Board, Anna Feigenbaum, Lorraine Brown, Vanessa Heaslip, and Liz Norton (2020) Donning the ‘slow professor’: A feminist action research project. The Radical Teacher 116: 55-65
Crenshaw, Kimberlé (1989). Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics. The University of Chicago Legal Forum, 1(1): 139–167.
Crenshaw, Kimberlé (1990). Mapping the margins: Intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of color. Stanford law Review, 43 (6): 1241-1299.
Crosby, A. & M. Brinton Lykes. (2019). Beyond repair? Mayan women’s protagonism in the aftermath of genocidal harm. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Spanish translation: Más allá de la reparación: Protagonismo de mujeres mayas en las secuelas del daño genocida. Guatemala City, Guatemala: Cholsamaj. (PDF in Spanish available).
Crosby, Alison, M. Brinton Lykes, and Brisna Caxaj. (2016). Carrying a heavy load: Mayan women’s understandings of reparation in the aftermath of genocide." Journal of Genocide Research 18, no. 2-3 265-283.
Crosby, Alison, Brisna Caxaj and M. Brinton Lykes. (2014). Understanding women’s struggles for justice, healing, and redress: A study of gender and reparation in postwar Guatemala. IDRC Project Number: 106616-00020799-003
Crosby, Alison, M. Brinton Lykes & Brisna Caxaj. (2021). Llevando una carga pesada: Lo que las mujeres maya piensan de la reparación después del genocidio. In E. Oglesby & D. Nelson (Eds.), El Juicio Histórico: Genocidio en Guatemala. Guatemala: Cholsamaj. (Pdf in Spanish available here)
Crupi, Kaisha, and Naomi Joy Godden. (2023). Feminist evaluation using feminist participatory action research: Guiding principles and practices. American Journal of Evaluation : 10982140221148433.
Cubero, Aloe and Rocio Garrido. (2023). Ain’t I a woman?”: Feminist participatory action-research with African migrant women living in Spain. Journal of International Migration and Integration / Revue de l integration et de la migration internationale DOI: 10.1007/s12134-023-01020-0
Dadich, Ann, Loretta Moore, and Valsamma Eapen. (2019). What does it mean to conduct participatory research with Indigenous peoples? A lexical review." BMC Public Health 19: 1-13.
Darroch, Francine, and Audrey Giles. (2014). Decolonizing health research: Community-based participatory research and postcolonial feminist theory." The Canadian Journal of Action Research 15, no. 3: 22-36.
de Bourbon, Soma, Ketzal Gomez, and Beatriz San Juan. (2022). Is active voice enough? Community discussions on passive voice, MMIWG2S, and violence against urban indigenous women in San José, California. Genealogy 6, no. 2: 37.
De Finney, Sandrine (2007). It's About Us!: Racialized minority girls' transformative engagement in feminist participatory action research. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Victoria.
Dhungel, Rita, Shanti Lama, Auska Khadka, K. C. Sharda, Mendo Sherpa, Pratima Limbu, Ghaynu Limbu, Monika Rai, and Sweata Shrestha. )2019). Hearing Our Voices: Pathways from Oppression to Liberation through Community-Based Participatory Research. Space and Culture, India 6 (5): 39–55.
Dickman-Burnett, Victoria L., Trinity V. Shaya, and Isabelle R. Zalat. (2021). Second-Person arts-based action research for group reflection. Journal of Participatory Research Methods 2, no. 2.
Dillard, Cynthia B. (2000). The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen: Examining an endarkened feminist epistemology in educational research and leadership." International journal of qualitative studies in education 13, no. 6: 661-681.
Dimond, Jill P., Amy Bruckman, and Mark Guzdial. Outside the sameness/difference debate: Feminist participatory action research.
Drame, Elizabeth R., and Decoteau J. Irby (Eds.). (2016). Black participatory research: Power, identity, and the struggle for justice in education. Springer.
Duke, Adrienne. (2013). A different voice: Examining positive youth development in African American girls through youth participatory action research. PhD diss., University of Wisconsin, 1913.
Dudley, Mary Jo. (1996). Uncovering the invisible workers: Using participatory video and feminist methodologies to challenge distorted images of Colombian domestic workers (Doctoral dissertation, Cornell University).
Edwards, Jenny, and Andrea Cornwall (Eds). (2014) Feminisms, empowerment and development: Changing women’s lives. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Edwardson, Hayley. (2019). Using photovoice to understand the experiences of life as a mother in Thetford, Norfolk, England—A community-based participatory action research method embodying matricentric feminism. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement.
Elias, Paula V. (2017). Critical youth participatory action research: Ideology, consciousness, and praxis. In Youth as/in Crisis, pp. 27-44. Brill.
Ellsworth, Elisabeth (1989). Who doesn’t this feel empowering? Working through the
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Erel, Umut, and Tracey Reynolds. (2014). Research note: black feminist theory for participatory theatre with migrant mothers. Feminist Review 108, no. 1: 106-111.
Evans-Winters, Venus E. (2019). Black feminism in qualitative inquiry: A mosaic for writing our daughter’s body. Routledge.
Ewan, Anita Rachel (2019). Maintaining the authenticity of co-researcher voice using FPAR principles. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice, 2 (2).
Fahlberg, Anjuli. (2022). Decolonizing sociology through collaboration, co‐learning and action: A case for participatory action research. Sociological Forum.
Fakoya, Ibidun, Claire Cole, Chris Larkin, Melanie Punton, Eleanor Brown, and Ahna Ballonoff Suleiman. (2022). Enhancing human-centered design with youth-led participatory action research approaches for adolescent sexual and reproductive health programming." Health promotion practice 23, no. 1: 25-31.
Fernandez, Jesica S., Jasmyne Y. Gaston, Madeline Nguyen, Jaia Rovaris, Rhyann L. Robinson, and Danielle N. Aguilar. (2018). Documenting sociopolitical development via participatory action research (PAR) with women of color student activists in the neoliberal university. Journal of Social and Political Psychology
Fields, Jessica. (2016). The racialized erotics of participatory research: A queer feminist understanding. Women's Studies Quarterly, 31-50.
Fine, Michelle (1992). Disruptive voices: The possibilities of feminist research. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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