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Trimita Chakma

Trimita Chakma Profile Photo

Trimita a feminist researcher, campaigner, & trainer hailing from the Indigenous Chakma hill tribe of Bangladesh.

Trimita has over 12 years of campaigning experience for women's rights including over eight years of work experience in research and communications. Throughout her career, she has collaborated with hundreds of grassroots activists in multiple countries across Asia Pacific and Africa to utilize feminist participatory action research (FPAR) tools and communications strategies to influence policies and practices related to critical issues such as climate justice, labor, migration, land rights, and trade/economic justice. In addition, she possesses a strong background in Information Technology, with several years of work experience in management information systems (MIS).

In 2022, Trimita co-founded the online pedagogical platform FPAR Academy (www.fparacademy.com).

Godden, N. J., Chakma, T. & Naidu, K. (scheduled for publication in June 2023). Feminist Participatory Action Research: A Methodology for Ecosocial Justice. In R. Forbes (Ed.), Ecosocial Work Practice. NASW Press.

Godden, N. J., Chakma, T., & Jenkins, A. (2023). Ecofeminist Participatory Action Research for Planetary Health. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health (pp. 1–24). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-96778-9_47-1

Godden, N., MacNish, P., Chakma, T. & Naidu, K. (2020). Feminist Participatory Action Research as a tool for Climate Justice. Gender & Development, 28(3). https://doi.org/1080/13552074.2020.1842040

Chakma, T. (2016), Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR): An effective framework for empowering grassroots women & strengthening feminist movements in Asia Pacific. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 22 (2).

Grey literature
Chakma, T. and Sinumlag, A. (2022). A position paper on Indigenous women’s role in water governance in Asia. Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP).

Yahaya, D. and Chakma, T. (2022). Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM) Training Manual. International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific).

Chakma, T., Rigg S., and Ramsay A. (2022). Women confronting loss and damage in Africa: Feminist climate justice research from Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Zambia. ActionAid International.

Chakma, T. (2020). A rapid assessment report on the impact of COVID-19 on young women living 22 informal settlement areas in India, Kenya, Ghana and South Africa. ActionAid International.

Chakma, T. (2020). A rapid assessment report on the impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Bangladesh. Kapaeeng Foundation.

Chakma, T. and Taguiwalo, J. (2019), APWLD Herstory 1986-2017 – Celebrating over 30 years of advocacy, activism and movement building to advance women’s human rights in the Asia Pacific Region, Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD).

Amin, S., Chakma, T. and Pedersen, H. (2019), Promoting and Fulfilling the Right to Development: Case Studies from Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD). ISBN: 978-616-92225-2-1.

Chakma, T., Napier-Moore, R., Pedersen, H. and Wardarina, (2016). Changing Development from the Inside-Out: Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) for Development Justice in Asia and the Pacific. Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD). ISBN: 978-616-7898-33-9.

Chakma, T., Familara, A., Lappin, K., Napier-Moore, R. and Wardarina, (2014). Our Rights! Our Voices! Our Resources! Regional Feminist Participatory Action Research Report APWLD Breaking Out of Marginalisation Programme 2012-2014. Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD). ISBN: 978-616-92225-0-7.

Aug. 31, 2023

Season 2, Episode 1 Dr. Naomi Joy Godden, Trimita Chakma, & Kavita Na…

In this episode, we speak with our guests Dr. Naomi Joy Godden, Trimita Chakma, and Kavita Naidu. Their Ecofeminist participatory action research (EcoFPAR) paradigm combines the worlds of climate justice, social activism, and...

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