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Naomi Joy Godden

Naomi Joy Godden Profile Photo

Dr. Naomi Joy Godden is the Vice-Chancellor's Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer at the Centre for People, Place and Planet, Edith Cowan University, Bunbury, Western Australia. She has 16 years of community development and social research experience in areas such as gender justice, Aboriginal family violence prevention, homelessness, sexual exploitation of women, environmental activism and the gendered impacts of climate change.

She is the Co-founder and Chair of the Just Home Margaret River Inc, a grassroots organization for housing justice and was an elected Councilor to the Shire of Augusta Margaret River. Naomi is co-chair of Australia’s national Women’s Climate Justice Collective, whose aim is to mainstream intersectional feminist perspectives in climate justice. She is also an Adjunct Research Fellow at Monash University in Australia.

Select Publications
Godden, Naomi Joy, Trimita Chakma, Aaron Jenkins (2023). Ecofeminist Participatory Action Research for Planetary Health. In Pranee Liamputtong (Ed.) Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-96778-9_47-1

Godden, Naomi Joy, Pam Macnish, Trimita Chakma, and Kavita Naidu (2020). Feminist participatory action research as a tool for climate justice. Gender & Development 28 (3):  593-615.

Godden, Naomi Joy. (2018). Love in community work in rural Timor-Leste: a co-operative inquiry for a participatory framework of practice. Community Development Journal 53, no. 1: 78-98.

Godden, Naomi Joy. (2017). A co-operative inquiry about love using narrative, performative and visual methods." Qualitative research 17, no. 1: 75-94.

Godden, Naomi Joy. (2017). The participation imperative in co-operative inquiry: personal reflections of an initiating researcher. Systemic Practice and Action Research 30: 1-18.

Gorman, R. ( 2004). Women political prisoners breaking the silence

Aug. 31, 2023

Season 2, Episode 1 Dr. Naomi Joy Godden, Trimita Chakma, & Kavita Na…

In this episode, we speak with our guests Dr. Naomi Joy Godden, Trimita Chakma, and Kavita Naidu. Their Ecofeminist participatory action research (EcoFPAR) paradigm combines the worlds of climate justice, social activism, and...

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