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Miriam Raider-Roth

Miriam Raider-Roth Profile Photo

Dr. Miriam Raider-Roth is a faculty member at the University of Cincinnati where she serves as Professor of Educational Studies and Educational/Community-Based Action Research.She received her doctorate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, earned her masters at the Bank Street College of Education, and her BA from the University of Michigan. She teaches graduate courses in action research, feminist qualitative methodology, and relational theory. Founding co-director of the Center for Studies of Jewish Education and Culture at UC, she currently directs the Action Research Center, which serves as a hub at UC and in Cincinnati for the training and sharing of action research.

Dr. Raider-Roth is also the Director of Mandel Teacher Educator Institute (MTEI).MTEI is a 2-year program that strengthens the Jewish community by developing educational leaders–teachers of teachers–who are spearheading powerful and innovative professional development experiences for their institutions and communities. MTEI invites educators from around the country to share an immersive experience that intertwines best practices in teacher education and professional development with Jewish texts and “big ideas.”

Dr. Raider-Roth is author of Professional Development in Relational Learning Communities: Teachers in Connection(2017, Teachers College Press) and Trusting What You Know: The High Stakes of Classroom Relationships (2005, Jossey-Bass), co-editor of The Plough Woman: Records of the Pioneer Women of Palestine–A Critical Edition, with Mark A. Raider (2002, Brandeis University Press), and many articles and book chapters. Most recently, she coedited a special issue of the Journal of Jewish Education(2019, vol. 85, no. 2) focusing on practitioner research with MTEI participants and graduates. Her research interests include how relational learning communities contribute to teachers’ transformative learning in professional development settings. She serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Jewish Education; a research advisory committee of the Consortium for Applied Studies in Jewish Education (CASJE); AERA Division K awards committee, and an advisory team member of the Jim Joseph Foundation’s Professional Development Initiative.

Referred to in this podcast episode

Banks, Sara and Brydon-Miller, M. (2018). Ethics in participatory research for health and social well-being: Cases and commentaries. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Brown, Lyn Mikel, and Carol Gilligan. (1991) Listening for voice in narratives of relationship. New directions for child and adolescent development. no. 54: 43-62.

Brydon-Miller, Mary, Patricia Maguire, and Alice McIntyre (Eds). (2004), Traveling companions: Feminism, teaching, and action research. Greenwood Publishing Group.

Brydon-Miller, Mary (2004). The terrifying truth: Interrogating systems of power and privilege and choosing to act. In Traveling companions: Feminism, teaching, and action research: 3-19.

Brydon-Miller, Mary, A. Rector Aranda, and Douglas M. Stevens. (2015). Widening the circle: Ethical reflection in action research and the practice of structured ethical reflection." The SAGE handbook of action research: 596-607.

Brydon-Miller, Mary, Davydd Greenwood, and Patricia Maguire. (2003) Why action research?. Action research 1, no. 1 : 9-28.

Coghlan, David and Mary Brydon-Miller (Eds.) (2014). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research. London: SAGE Publications.

Freidman, Victor, Israel Sykes, and Markus Strauch. (2014). Expanding the realm of the possible: Enclaves and the transformation of fields." In annual meeting of the academy of management, Philadelphia, PA.

Gilligan, Carol (2015) Listening Guide The Listening Guide method of psychological inquiry.

Harley, Dana (2015). Perceptions of hopelessness among low-income African-American adolescents through the lens of photovoice. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work 24, no. 1: 18-38.

Harley, Dana Michelle. (2011) Perceptions of hope and hopelessness among low-income African American adolescents." PhD diss., The Ohio State University.

Hellmann, Sarah (2011). Growing Up Hard: Understanding through creative expression the resilience, resistance, and images of relationships in the lives of three African American adolescent girls. Dissertation. University of Cincinnati.

Jordan, Judith V., Alexandra G. Kaplan, Irene P. Stiver, Janet L. Surrey, and Jean Baker Miller (1991) Women's growth in connection: Writings from the Stone Center. Guilford Press.

Lester, Allison (date) Connection during disconnection: A four-article dissertation exploring the voices of undergraduate students learning to “hold space” for adolescents online during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Maguire, Patricia. (1987). Doing participatory research: a feminist approach. Amherst: Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts. Free download https://scholarworks.umass.edu/cie_participatoryresearchpractice/6/

Maguire, Patricia, Mary-Brydon-Miller, Alice McIntyre. Traveling Companions Quilt and Stories https://www.patriciamaguire.net/pdfs/Maguire,%20Brydon-Miller,%20McIntyre%20-%20Traveling%20Companions%20Quilt%20and%20Stories.pdf

Miller, Jean Baker (1986). What do we mean by relationships?. Vol. 22. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center for Developmental Services and Studies, Wellesley College.

Morowski, Jill. (1997). The science behind feminist research methods. Journal of Social Issues, Special Issue. Transforming Psychology: Interpretive and Participatory Research Methods. Issue Editors Mary Brydon-Miller and Deborah L. Tolman. Vol 53, No 4. Pp667-682.

Noddings, Nel. (1984) Caring. In Justice and care, pp. 7-30. Routledge, 1995.

Noddings, Nel. (2013). Caring: A relational approach to ethics and moral education (updated). Berkeley, CA and Los Angeles: University of California Press (Original work published 1984).

Park, Peter, Budd Hall, Ted Jackson, and Mary Brydon-Miller (1993) Voices of Change - Participatory Research in the United States and Canada. Bergin & Garvey.

Pavy, Edwin Carl Jr.,

Select Publications

Raider-Roth, Miriam, Mindy M. Gold, Gail Dorph, Mel Berwin, Sarah Clarkson, Ilana Gelemovich, and Merissa Rosetti. (2023). Bringing utopian visioning to educational leadership: participatory action research as professional learning." Educational Action Research: 1-17.

Raider-Roth, Miriam. (2022) Relational awareness and culturally relevant/sustaining pedagogies—praxis and possibility: A story in four acts. The Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching 7, no. 2: 18-40.

Raider-Roth, Miriam, Mindy Gold, Mary Brydon-Miller, and Gail Z. Dorph. (2021) Moving toward a utopian future one step at a time: Taking our Future Creating Workshop online. Journal of Participatory Research Methods 2, no. 1.

Raider-Roth, Miriam, Amy Rector-Aranda, Tammy Kaiser, Liron Lipinsky, Alison Weikel, Sara Wolkenfeld, and Liat Zaidenberg. (2019). Shared power, risk-taking, and innovation: participatory action research in Jewish education. Journal of Jewish Education 85, no. 2: 187-208.

Raider-Roth, Miriam, and Sharon Feiman-Nemser. (2019). Bringing practitioner research in Jewish education to life. Journal of Jewish education 85, no. 2: 221-226.

Stevens, Douglas, Mary Brydon-Miller, Mary, & Raider-Roth, Miriam (2016). Structured ethical reflection in practitioner inquiry: Theory, pedagogy, and practice. The Educational Forum, 80 (4), 430-443.

deNoyelles, Aimee, and Miriam Raider-Roth. (2016). Being an ‘agent provocateur’: Utilizing online spaces for teacher professional development in virtual simulation games. Technology, Pedagogy and Education 25, no. 3: 337-353.

Rector-Aranda, Amy, and Miriam Raider-Roth. (2015). ‘I finally felt like I had power’: student agency and voice in an online and classroom-based role-play simulation. Research in Learning Technology 23.

Killham, J., Susan P. Tyler, Amanda Venable, and Miriam Raider-Roth. (2014). Mentoring in an online simulation: shaping pre-service teachers for tomorrow’s roles’. Teaching and Learning: The Journal of Natural Inquiry and Reflective Practice 28, no. 2: 62-79.

Raider-Roth, Miriam, Vicki Stieha, Mark Kohan, and Carrie Turpin. (2014). “The false promise of group harmony”: The centrality of challenging practices in teachers’ professional development. Journal of Jewish Education 80, no. 1: 53-77.

Raider-Roth, Miriam B., Marta Albert, Ingrid Bircann-Barkey, Eric Gidseg, and Terry Murray. (2012) Resisting boys, resisting teachers. Boyhood Studies 6, no. 1: 34-54.

Raider-Roth, Miriam, Vicki Stieha, and Billy Hensley. (2012) Rupture and repair: Episodes of resistance and resilience in teachers’ learning." Teaching and Teacher Education 28, no. 4: 493-502.

Stieha, Vicki, and Miriam Raider-Roth. (2012). Disrupting relationships: A catalyst for growth. In Disrupting Pedagogies in the Knowledge Society: Countering Conservative Norms with Creative Approaches, pp. 16-31. IGI Global.

Raider-Roth, Miriam, and Elie Holzer. (2009). Learning to be present: How hevruta learning can activate teachers' relationships to self, other and text. Journal of Jewish Education 75, no. 3: 216-239.

Raider-Roth, Miriam, Marta Albert, Ingrid Bircann-Barkey, Eric Gidseg, and Terry Murray. (2008). Teaching boys: A relational puzzle." Teachers college record 110, no. 2: 443-481.

Raider-Roth, Miriam B. (2005). Trusting what you know: Negotiating the relational context of classroom life. Teachers College Record 107, no. 4: 587-628.

Raider-Roth, Miriam B. (2004). Taking the time to think: A portrait of reflection." Teaching and Learning: The Journal of Natural Inquiry & Reflective Practice 18, no. 3: 1.

Oct. 1, 2023

Season 2, Episode 2 with Dr. Mary Brydon-Miller and Dr. Miriam Raider…

In this episode, we speak with our guests Dr. Mary Brydon-Miller and Dr. Miriam Raider-Roth about their successes and challenges bringing feminist values and ways of being to PAR and practitioner inquiry, with a focus on buil...

Listen to the Episode