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Colleen Reid

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Colleen Reid, PhD

I am on faculty at Douglas College in Applied Community Studies and am also connected to the Rehabilitation Sciences program at The University of British Columbia (UBC) and the Faculty of Health Professions at Dalhousie University as an adjunct professor.

I have been involved in community-based participatory research (CBPR) projects for almost 25 years, and have used CBPR approaches, including action research, participatory action research, and feminist participatory action research, to study and promote health in the contexts of oppression, suffering, and stigma for marginalized groups. I have engaged in research with women on low-income, women living in diverse contexts struggling with employability, practitioners striving for recognition in their workplace and the health care system, individuals with lived experience of mental illness and individuals living with dementia.

Alongside my collaborators I recently completed the 5-year study Raising the Curtain on the Lived Experience of Dementia www. imaginationnetwork.org. Currently I am involved in two projects: “Who Cares: Cultivating a Community of Elder Care on the Sunshine Coast” and “The Impact of Therapeutic Recreation Interventions on Employment for Individuals with Lived Experience of Mental Illness.” More recently, my program of research has been centered on integrating arts-based methods, co-creation, and participatory co-design with community-based participatory research approaches to work collaboratively with diverse research partners while building capacity for undergraduate students to participate in all aspects of the research process.

As a community-based participatory researcher I have a long-standing commitment to co-authorship. In all research projects my co-researchers and students have been invited to participate in the writing process. I have included here a selection of publications.

Henderson, Julia & Reid, Colleen. (2023). Virtual collaborative creative engagement in a pandemic world: creative connection for older adults with lived experience of dementia. Frontiers in Health Services, doi.org/10.3389/frhs.2023.1223337

Reid, Colleen, Landy, Ania, & Henderson, Julia. (2022). “Knocking at the Door of Humanity”: Using Co-creation and Community-based Participatory Research to Foster Citizenship for Individuals with Lived Experience of Dementia. Leisure / Loisir, DOI:10.1080/14927713.2022.2104347

Henderson, Julia, Reid, Colleen, Devereux, Bruce, Hershler, Chad, & Watt, Sadie (2022). Performing the lived experience of dementia: Revealing humanity through evidence-based collaborative creation. Canadian Theatre Review, DOI: 10.3138/ctr.190.012

Reid, Colleen & Alonso, Maya. (2018). Imagining Inclusion: Uncovering the upstream determinants of mental health through Photovoice. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 52(1):19-41. DOI.org/10.18666/TRJ-2018-V52-I1-8461 https://imagininginclusion.ca/the-project/

Ponic, Pamela, Reid, Colleen & Frisby, Wendy. (2010). Cultivating the power of partnerships in feminist participatory action research in women's health. Nursing Inquiry, 17(4):1-12. ISSN: 1440-1800
Reid, Colleen & Brief, Elana. (2009). Confronting condescending ethics: How community based research challenges traditional approaches to consent, confidentiality, and capacity. Journal of Academic Ethics, 7:75-85. DOI 10.1007/s10805-009-9085-0

Frisby, Wendy, Maguire, Patricia, & Reid, Colleen. (2009). The “f” word has everything to do with it: How feminist theories inform action research. Action Research, 7(1): 13-29. ISSN: 1741-2617

Reid, Colleen, Tom, Allison, & Frisby, Wendy. (2006). Finding the ‘action’ in feminist participatory action research. Action Research, 4(3), 313-330. ISSN: 1741-2617

Frisby, Wendy, Reid, Colleen, Millar, Sydney, & Hoeber, Larena. (2005). Putting “participatory” into participatory forms of action research. Special Issue of the Journal of Sport Management “Critical and Innovative Approaches,” 19(4): 367-386. ISSN 1543-270X

Reid, Colleen. (2004). Advancing women’s social justice agendas: A feminist action research framework. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 3(3). Article 1. Retrieved from http://www.ualberta.ca/ ~iiqm/backissues/3_3/html/reid.html

Reid, Colleen. (2000). Seduction and enlightenment in feminist action research. Resources for Feminist Research (RFR/DRF), Special Issue “Feminist Qualitative Research,” 28(1/2):169-188.

March 8, 2024

Season 2, Episode 6 with Wendy Frisby and Colleen Reid - FPAR with Co…

In this episode, we speak with Dr. Wendy Frisby and Dr. Colleen Reid about their feminist participatory action research projects with community partners and people from marginalized groups who are often excluded from health a...

Listen to the Episode